[VIDEO] Creating and signing a Raw Ethereum Transaction

Today we’re looking into a more technical way of creating and signing a transaction.

We’re doing this with the most basic tools an engineer can possess: a terminal window and some Google-Fu.

So without further talking, take a look at the video below and please follow along with me if you are a technical guy or gal. If you are not, watch it anyways because it’s going to give you a better understanding of the technology behind which you are probably investing in. Remember that what I’m showing you happens in almost every wallet.

Library used: https://github.com/ethereumjs/ethereumjs-tx

Source code:

const ethTx = require('ethereumjs-tx').Transaction;

const txData = {
  nonce: '0x0',
  gasPrice: '0x09184e72a000',
  gasLimit: '0x30000',
  to: '0x583fBf10DDd81cFf2Ed208299E465e8EbDC7DAA3',
  value: '0x01',
  data: 'any data value',
  v: '0x1c',
  r: 0,
  s: 0

tx = new ethTx(txData);
console.log('RLP-Encoded Tx: 0x' + tx.serialize().toString('hex'));

txHash = tx.hash();
console.log('Tx Hash: 0x' + txHash.toString('hex'));

//signing of transaction
const privateKey = Buffer.from('492b5eac1c7aae1957e60a3d3ce6daa7799c6941a480d12d38264af0d55883aa', 'hex');

serializedTx = tx.serialize()
rawTx = 'Signed Raw Transaction: 0x' + serializedTx.toString('hex')


The result of the execution of the above code is:

RLP-Encoded Tx: 0xf4808609184e72a0008303000094583fbf10ddd81cff2ed208299e465e8ebdc7daa3018e616e7920646174612076616c75651c8080

Tx Hash: 0xcf94ceac52eeccc4958d770b021a9dbd0ce5db6be3b745f738f0c0fa005d6ea6

Signed Raw Transaction: 0xf874808609184e72a0008303000094583fbf10ddd81cff2ed208299e465e8ebdc7daa3018e616e7920646174612076616c756526a01099362a773bd32b7bcdc2943cfa0aa27b4da4a182819e7337b2be7ad5814499a031a6c5054b4c1147e35f9d7756ccfa3b954629ecfa056c943c4781e68ecc9ede

Again I recorded this in a couple of shots without too much re-doing and editing, so I might have missed something. If so please let me know in the comments and ask questions if you have any.

Last but not least, I wanted to give big big thanks to the authors of the book “Mastering Ethereum” for providing code and the idea for me to do this.