Here’s a video I made about the components of a transaction in Ethereum:
Here are the components of a transaction summarized:
- Nonce (used to prevent replay attacks)
- GasPrice (in wei)
- GasLimit (in wei)
- Recipient (an ethereum address)
- Value (can be zero)
- Data (can be empty)
- v, r, s (cryptography magic, v was introduced in EIP-155)
Also I made another video where I go into ethereum’s block explorer and point out all the parts we mentioned in a real world transaction. Watch it here:
Links in the video:
- First transaction
- Contract transaction
- Self-transaction done with the purpose to save data (a message in this case) in the blockchain
I hope you enjoyed this new video format. I registered it all in one shot without too much editing to optimize my time, so let me know in the comments if I messed up something, if you have questions or cool discussions to raise.