A few days ago Mr. Stefan reached out to me with a very cool infographic and a nice piece of content, so I thought it would be cool also to share it with my audience.
Enjoy Mr Stefan’s work! And don’t forget to check out the original article link at the end of the page!
How The Cryptoverse Developed
In the beginning, the cryptoverse started out with Bitcoin. The idea was simple, create a system that users could use to send payments online securely, inexpensively, and anonymously. It was an experiment, and while it has proven to have scalability issues, it can still be considered a success overall.
More importantly, perhaps, is that Bitcoin showed us that there was a very different way of approaching internet security and applications. Whereas conventional wisdom held that securing your data on a single server was the best way to protect it, Bitcoin proved that a decentralized data network could also be secure, if not more secure.
Most importantly, though, the technology underpinning Bitcoin proved extremely useful and easy to adapt. So, while Bitcoin sat on its own in the cryptoverse for more than five years, it wasn’t long before Ethereum joined the fray.
Other Cryptos
Ethereum showed us that there was a lot more that could be accomplished through the blockchain tech than a simple currency transfer. With programming language built into this chain, it became possible for developers to develop own apps and create contracts that would automatically execute.
Ethereum heralded the era of Blockchain 2.0. It proved that it was possible to be more creative when it came to the blockchain tech. But Ethereum made another big contribution that people usually gloss over – it made it easy for users to create own cryptocurrencies.
This, and the subsequent rise in global awareness around the tech, led to the burgeoning of the cryptoverse. At last count, there were somewhere in the region of 2,000 different cryptos in circulation. Are they all good currencies? To be honest, many are not worth much and most of them will never achieve success.
But there have also been some massive successes. Like Tron, for example, which was developed for creatives so that they had a way to store their work and sell it directly to the public. It’s a simple enough concept, but one that has proven massively successful.
The company was started in 2017 and in the short time it has been operational, it’s market cap reached over $1.5 billion
Want to know more about Tron and the other successful companies? Scroll down and find out what the top 25 performing cryptos are. You’ll agree that cryptos have come a long way since Bitcoin was first launched.

ORIGINAL ARTICLE URL: https://bitcoinplay.net/what-the-crypto-infographic/